PUT Request
Update Route Plan
A Route Plan can be updated at anytime. The following table shows what can be included in the body parameters when updating a route plan.
URL: https://onfleet.com/api/v2/routePlans/:routePlanId:
Body Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | Optional. The name for the route. |
color | String | Optional. A display color for the route. |
vehicleType | String | Optional. The Type of the vehicle in use for this Route Plan. |
worker | String | Optional. Worker's Id to assign the Route Plan. |
team | String | Optional. Team's Id to assign the Route Plan. |
startAt | String | Optional. Starting position for the Route Plan, this can be HUB , WORKER_LOCATION , WORKER_ADDRESS , or null to signify anywhere. Change this to change the Starting Point. |
endAt | String | Optional. Ending position for the Route Plan, this can be HUB , WORKER_LOCATION , WORKER_ADDRESS , or null to signify anywhere. Change this to change the Ending Point. |
startingHubId | String | Optional. Required when startAt is HUB . This requires Hud Id that will act as the beginning point of the Route. |
endingHubId | String | Optional. Required when startAt is HUB . This requires Hud Id that will act as the ending point of the Route. |
startTime | timestamp in unix | Optional. Change the planned start time for a route plan. |
endTime | timestamp in unix | Optional. Change the planned end time for a route plan. |
timezone | String | Optional. Change the timezone of the route plan. |
"id": "RETDXi77BuMnqlXKjtxFTNg3",
"name": "CTrevor_03-06-2024_0000",
"state": "PENDING",
"color": "#52A9FF",
"tasks": [
"organization": "l6DYZUv~3HFFDnhPZSPUSDyt",
"team": null,
"worker": "mRhbKuxwM1dgNdm8eWSHkGga",
"vehicleType": "CAR",
"startTime": 1709701200000,
"endTime": null,
"actualStartTime": null,
"actualEndTime": null,
"startingHubId": null,
"endingHubId": null,
"shortId": "2aebfa80",
"timeCreated": 1709738334382,
"timeLastModified": 1711029056245