The Onfleet API is a RESTful web service for developers and integrations to programmatically interact with Onfleet’s data and real-time delivery management and analytics functionality.
All data exchanged between clients and the API is JSON over HTTPS. Note that we will only accept application/json
as content type and that the request body, if relevant, must be JSON-encoded. (Note that certain server errors such as 502 and 504 may be returned as HTML, depending on the mode of failure.)
The base URL for the Onfleet API is
Sample Requests
All sample requests in this documentation are formatted for cURL, additional examples in Python, Javascript and PHP are obtained from official API wrappers.
Postman Collection
Postman is a GUI tool for making API requests - This is very useful for learning the Onfleet API or testing requests as you're building an implementation.
If you use Postman, here is a pre-built a "collection" which includes predefined requests for all of our API endpoints.
Postman API Authorization Settings
When the above Postman collection is downloaded, the Authorization setting for each endpoint is set to “Inherit auth from Parent”, which may not work as intended on some requests. If any credential errors appear, please change Authorization setting to “Basic Auth” and use the API key as a username with nothing in the password field.
All request body parameters, where relevant, are required unless otherwise specified in the description.
If you have questions about using the API, want to share some feedback, or have come across a bug you'd like to report, write us an email at or submit a request through our Support Center..