Destination Address Warnings

Destination Address Warning:

Onfleet destination has built-in address validation by querying major geocoding services to ensure address is as close to the input as possible. However, due to erroneous input or lack of address data, some addresses could be transformed due to reverse geocode process. Destination creation endpoint will now include warnings that are intended to alert the Driver or the Dispatchers that the input needs special attention. These warnings will be included in the warnings field. The warnings field is an array of strings.

  • MISMATCH_NUMBER: The resulting address number is different than the input address number
  • MISMATCH_POSTALCODE: The resulting postal code is different than the input address postal code
  • GEOMETRIC_CENTER: The address needs apartment number precision or additional inputs
  • PARTIAL_MATCH: The returned response from Google does not match all elements from the supplied address - this will often be a less specific result, like a town center

Geometric Center:
Currently, any apartment/office/business/mobile home complex are deemed as a geometric center. This means it's best to provide an apartment field to signify what is equivalent address 2 for Drivers' knowledge.

{ "id": "u~v6vLzG95rtqxJyWpTs9HBO", "timeCreated": 1621452442000, "timeLastModified": 1621452442616, "location": [ -120.435403, 34.937994 ], "address": { "apartment": "", "state": "California", "postalCode": "93454", "number": "1316", "street": "South Broadway", "city": "Santa Maria", "country": "United States" }, "notes": "", "metadata": [], "googlePlaceId": "ChIJo8Iimp1s7IARWN1SlyhTMx0", "warnings": [ "GEOMETRIC_CENTER" ] }
{ "id": "IxcBp8OdNV0vP2eD2o5S0nsw", "timeCreated": 1621452422000, "timeLastModified": 1621452422809, "location": [ -79.2085146, 43.1881771 ], "address": { "apartment": "", "state": "Ontario", "postalCode": "L2M 4G5", "number": "3", "street": "Leaside Drive", "city": "St. Catharines", "country": "Canada" }, "notes": "", "metadata": [], "googlePlaceId": "ChIJ25F7pKNQ04kRlBqn9IZcmcE", "warnings": [ "MISMATCH_NUMBER" ] }
{ "id": "2tm3DZ3oaFELxOXfrldYHC7M", "timeCreated": 1621451681000, "timeLastModified": 1621451681044, "location": [ -79.2066056, 43.1889085 ], "address": { "apartment": "", "state": "Ontario", "postalCode": "L2M 4G2", "number": "33", "street": "Leaside Drive", "city": "St. Catharines", "country": "Canada" }, "notes": "", "metadata": [], "googlePlaceId": "ChIJTacH86NQ04kR2aM8fiPyhBI", "warnings": [ "MISMATCH_POSTALCODE" ] }