Update Hub

This endpoint allows the users to update information related to an existing hub. The hub ID must be appended to the URL to indicate which Hub will be updated.

curl -X PUT "https://onfleet.com/api/v2/hubs/i4FoP*dTVrdnGqvIVvvA69aB" \
       -u "cd3b3de84cc1ee040bf06512d233719c:" \
       -d '{"name": "VIP customer Hub","address": {"apartment": "","state": "California","postalCode": "90015","number": "1111","street": "South Figueroa Street","city": "Los Angeles","country": "United States","name": "VIP customer"},"teams": ["kq5MFBzYNWhp1rumJEfGUTqS"]}'
onfleet.hubs.update("id": "i4FoP*dTVrdnGqvIVvvA69aB",
                    body={"name": "VIP customer Hub",
                          "address": {
                            "apartment": "",
                            "state": "California",
                            "postalCode": "90015",
                            "number": "1111",
                            "street": "South Figueroa Street",
                            "city": "Los Angeles",
                            "country": "United States",
                            "name": "VIP customer"
                          "teams": ["kq5MFBzYNWhp1rumJEfGUTqS"]
                    {"name": "VIP customer Hub",
                     "address": {"apartment": "",
                                 "state": "California",
                                 "postalCode": "90015",
                                 "number": "1111",
                                 "street": "South Figueroa Street",
                                 "city": "Los Angeles",
                                 "country": "United States",
                                 "name": "VIP customer"
                     "teams": ["kq5MFBzYNWhp1rumJEfGUTqS"]
                       ["name" =>  "VIP customer Hub",
                        "address" => ["apartment" =>  "",
                                      "state" =>  "California",
                                      "postalCode" =>  "90015",
                                      "number" =>  "1111",
                                      "street" =>  "South Figueroa Street",
                                      "city" =>  "Los Angeles",
                                      "country" =>  "United States",
                                      "name" =>  "VIP customer"
                        "teams" =>  ["kq5MFBzYNWhp1rumJEfGUTqS"]
    "id": "i4FoP*dTVrdnGqvIVvvA69aB",
    "name": "VIP customer Hub",
    "location": [
    "address": {
        "number": "1111",
        "street": "South Figueroa Street",
        "city": "Los Angeles",
        "county": "Los Angeles County",
        "state": "California",
        "country": "United States",
        "postalCode": "90015",
        "name": "VIP customer",
        "apartment": ""
    "teams": [