Update Order

To update task(s) in the order

To update information regarding the order task pairs, example request JSON payload:

curl -i -X PUT "https://onfleet.com/api/v2/taskOrders/MasITvWLV8FOEcvl8Pnp4cly" \
     -u "c64f80ba83d7cfce8ae74f51e263ce93:" \
		 -d '{"pickupTask":{"notes":"hello"},"dropoffTask":{"notes":"hello"}}'
    "pickupTask": {
        "destination": {
            "location": [
            "address": {
                "apartment": "",
                "state": "California",
                "postalCode": "94103",
                "number": "150",
                "street": "Otis Street",
                "city": "San Francisco",
                "country": "United States"
        "dropoffTask": {
            "destination": {
                "location": [
                "address": {
                    "apartment": "",
                    "state": "California",
                    "postalCode": "94158",
                    "number": "1",
                    "street": "Warriors Way",
                    "city": "San Francisco",
                    "country": "United States"
    "pickupTask": {
        "completeAfter": 1715187600000,
        "completeBefore": 1715274000000
    "dropoffTask": {
        "completeAfter": 1715187600000,
        "completeBefore": 1715274000000



You must include both the pickupTask and dropoffTask objects in order to complete this request


Update fields

You will need the order IDs and not the individual Task IDs for updating the orders. The following can be updated until the order is active: requirements, recipients , destination , completeAfter, completeBefore and notes. Order/Task pairs cannot be updated once started or completed.


Update Destination

When Updating Destinations you must include Lat/Long as location array