Create administrator

Create administrator

Creates a new administrator in your organization. An email will be sent for this administrator to confirm and configure their account.

To establish which teams an administrator can manage, see Teams.

Body parameters

namestringThe administrator’s complete name.
emailstringThe administrator’s email address.
phonestringOptional. The administrator's phone number.
isReadOnlybooleanOptional. Whether this administrator can perform write operations.
typestringsuper or standard
curl -X POST "" \
       -u "cd3b3de84cc1ee040bf06512d233719c:" \
       -d '{"name":"Chelsea M","email":"","type": "super"}'
onfleet.administrators.create(body={"name":"Chelsea M","email":""})
onfleet.administrators.create({"name":"Chelsea M","email":""});
$onfleet->administrator->create(["name"=>"Chelsea M","email"=>""])
  "id": "8AxaiKwMd~np7I*YP2NfukBE",
  "timeCreated": 1455156651000,
  "timeLastModified": 1455156651779,
  "organization": "yAM*fDkztrT3gUcz9mNDgNOL",
  "email": "",
  "type": "standard",
  "name": "Chelsea M",
  "isActive": false,
  "metadata": [],
  "isAccountOwner": false,
  "teams": []
    "id": "0lQJt3~Nxodo1a~LdjA29WL4",
    "timeCreated": 1659471263000,
    "timeLastModified": 1659471263973,
    "organization": "1MWYTEQf6jioThhHhH4~KmVI",
    "email": "",
    "type": "super",
    "name": "John Doe",
    "isActive": false,
    "metadata": [],
    "isReadOnly": false,
    "isAccountOwner": false,
    "teams": []
  "code": "InvalidContent",
  "message": {
    "error": 1004,
    "message": "The values of one or more parameters break a uniqueness constraint.",
    "cause": {
      "type": "duplicateKey",
      "key": "unknown",
      "value": "unknown"
    "request": "fbf5580f-d4bd-458b-950d-f7dd057afcc8"

When a duplicate email is used in creating an administrator, it will break the uniqueness constraint of the database and throw a duplicateKey error.


Request and Response

isActive denotes whether the administrator has completed their account registration, whereas type indicates if this administrator is the organization's creator (super) or a dispatcher (standard). Currently you cannot update an admin's role from super to standard or vice versa, you must delete the admin and recreate it if you wish to do so.


Account Owner

Account Owner is denoted by the isAccountOwner field in the response. Designates the account owner admin of the account - account owners have all of the abilities of an super type admin but can also modify Onfleet plan type and billing.