The metadata object

The metadata object

Every entry in the metadata array must adhere to the following structure:

namestringThe name of the property.
typestringThe type of the property. Must be one of [ "boolean", "number", "string", "object", "array" ].
subtypestringRequired only for entries of type array, used for future visualization purposes. Must be one of [ "boolean", "number", "string", "object" ].
visibilityarray of stringsWhether the metadata object should be visible to the api, the dashboard, and/or worker. Defaults to [ "api" ].
value*The value of the property. The JSON type must match the type (and subtype) provided for the entry.



Valid Metadata Examples

These valid metadata entries show the different types available:

{ "name": "isOnfleetTrained", "type": "boolean", "value": true }
{ "name": "hourlyRate", "type": "number", "value": 27.33 }
{ "name": "hometown", "type": "string", "value": "Tiburon, CA" }
{ "name": "load", "type": "object", "value": { "ambient": { "artichokes": 18, "strawberries": 23 }, "cold": { "strawberries": 52 }, "hot": { "apple-pie": 5 } } }
{ "name": "paymentOptions", "type": "array", "subtype": "string", "value": [ "visa", "mc", "amex", "btc" ] }


Invalid Metadata Examples

The following metadata entries are invalid.

{ "name": "lifetimeValue", "type": "number", "value": "3827.4" }

Reason: value is expected as a number, however a string was provided.

{ "name": "preferredDropoffLocations", "type": "array", "subtype": "string", "value": [ "-122.42271423339842,37.7897092979573", "-122.46803283691405,37.76040136229719", -122.41550445556639, 37.76420119453823 ] }

Reason: string subtype expects all array members to be of type string, however both string and number members were provided.