Update recipient

Update recipient

This endpoint provides the ability to update the name, notes, skipSMSNotifications, and metadata. The phone number field is used as a unique identifier in the Onfleet system. To change/update a phone number for a Recipient, it is recommended to create a new recipient object with the new phone number attached.

curl -X PUT "https://onfleet.com/api/v2/recipients/VVLx5OdKvw0dRSjT2rGOc6Y*" \
       -u "cd3b3de84cc1ee040bf06512d233719c:" \
       -d '{"name":"Neiman Runtilly"}'
onfleet.recipients.update(id="VVLx5OdKvw0dRSjT2rGOc6Y*", body={"name":"Neiman Runtilly"})
onfleet.recipients.update("VVLx5OdKvw0dRSjT2rGOc6Y*", {"name":"Neiman Runtilly"});
$onfleet->recipients->update("VVLx5OdKvw0dRSjT2rGOc6Y*", ["name"=>"Neiman Runtilly"])
  "id": "VVLx5OdKvw0dRSjT2rGOc6Y*",
  "organization": "yAM*fDkztrT3gUcz9mNDgNOL",
  "timeCreated": 1455156665000,
  "timeLastModified": 1455156665741,
  "name": "Neiman Runtilly",
  "phone": "+16505551133",
  "notes": "Always orders our GSC special",
  "skipSMSNotifications": false,
  "metadata": []