Initialize Route Optimization (Pre-scheduled Route Use Case)

This endpoint initializes the route optimization workflow. It requires the necessary information about the route optimization (RO) as a request parameter and responds with any issues in the input. If successful, it provides a summary and an RO ID for the next step in the optimization process.

tasksArray of StringsRequired. The list of tasks ID(s)s that are unassigned to consider for the Route Optimization.
teamsObjectRequired. The Team IDs and their associated workers' ID for Route Optimization to consider.
dateNumberRequired. Unix timestamp in millisecond precision.
timezoneStringRequired. The timezone in which the optimization should consider.
modeNumberRequired. 0 for Minimize Distance Driven. 1 for Always on Time. 2 for Aggressive batch order pairs(use for linked Tasks). 3 for Balance Driving distance and Timely Arrival
serviceTimeNumberRequired. The time that should be spent by the workers at each Task location, in minutes.
maxViolationTimeNumberRequired. Max allowed delay time, in minutes
maxTasksPerRouteNumberRequired. The maximum number of tasks a worker can be assigned.
schedulingMethodNumberRequired. Schedules that the RO should consider. 1 for use default schedule. 2 for worker schedules only.
defaultScheduleArray of NumbersRequired. An array of default schedules if no specific worker schedule is available.
optimizationServiceAreaStringOptional. The ID of the optimization service area if applicable.
routeStartStringRequired, see below. Starting point of the route, can be a hub or a worker's Location.
routeEndStringRequired, see below. Ending point of the route.
osaRouteZoneCountNumberOptional. Only used if RouteZone is involved.
autoApplyAssignmentBooleanOptional. The default value is false. When set to true, assignments will be automatically applied immediately after the Route Optimization engine processes them, without the need to call the subsequent Apply Optimization Results request URL.


Route Start and Route End

The request must have at least one routeStart or routeEnd fields; they cannot both be omitted. These fields have very specific formats. The allowed values are:

  • ”teams://DEFAULT” (this will be the team hub)
  • ”workers://ROUTING_ADDRESS” (the workers routing address)
  • ”hub://{hub_id}" (specify a hub)

You also must have at least one of the two (routeStart or routeEnd) set. You can have both set, but having both empty will throw a validation error.

  "maxTasksPerRoute": 30,
  "date": 1718728193838,
  "timezone": "America/Toronto",
  "mode": 1,
  "serviceTime": 15,
  "tasks": [
  "teams": {
    "5y1jHFp7OBfFU6SekbwwwRfL": [
  "schedulingMethod": 1,
  "routeStart": "teams://DEFAULT",
  "routeEnd": "teams://DEFAULT",
  "maxViolationTime": 0,
  "defaultSchedule": [
      "date": 1718683200000,
      "slots": [
          "start": "0000",
          "end": "2359"
      "owner": "pOoPktB~Hry706w2JT30rJGi",
      "timezone": "America/Toronto"

Response fields:

  • id (string). id for the optimization. This property is not included if issues includes an error.
  • shortId (string). shortId for the optimization.
  • issues (Array of issues). An issue includes.
    • type (string). “warning“ or “error“. Warnings allow the optimization proceed. Errors prevent successful initialization of RO.
    • message (string). User friendly message for the issue.
    • shortId (string). shortId for the task causing the issue.
    • reason (string). Identifier for the issue.
  • summary. This property is not included if issues includes an error.
    • workers:
      • count (number). number of workers included in the optimization.
    • tasks:
      • count (number). number of tasks included in the optimization.
    • routeZones:
      • count (number). number of routeZones included in the optimization.
  "id": "CQ6rFedL7VBL2VjURsGnb1cx",
  "issues": [
      "type": "warning",
      "message": "Task 611552d3 does not have a time range (completeAfter/completeBefore) specified. Add time range for better optimization.",
      "entityType": "task",
      "entityId": "atnk3APxhJrgfx9mgWaRhByQ",
      "shortId": "611552d3",
      "reason": "no-time-range"
      "type": "warning",
      "message": "Task 08607990 does not have a time range (completeAfter/completeBefore) specified. Add time range for better optimization.",
      "entityType": "task",
      "entityId": "4kA7bOH*Kz7K0YA6~NpqWDke",
      "shortId": "08607990",
      "reason": "no-time-range"
  "summary": {
    "workers": {
      "count": 2
    "tasks": {
      "count": 2,
      "cost": 0.2
    "routeZones": {
      "count": 0
    "total": 0.2
  "shortId": "682589c95927064e"


Use Start Route Optimization

This endpoint is simply setting up the parameters and preview the results. The error handling should occur in this step prior to start Route Optimization using Start Route Optimization